Matthew Deets, General Manager

About Smaato

Meet Matt Deets – Smaato’s New GM

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Get the deets on Smaato’s new General Manager, Matthew Deets.

As you may have seen, we had a big week at Smaato. (Did you miss the news? Check out the press release.)

We’re thrilled to introduce you to our new General Manager, Matthew Deets. We sat down with Matt to get to know him better and to ask all the tough questions.

Welcome, Matt! We’ll dive right in:

What are you most excited about in joining the Smaato leadership team?


Matthew Deets

The people. I know it sounds cliche but it’s true. I had the opportunity to get to know some Smaaties* in person recently, and it’s clear that the team is super smart and passionate about ad-tech innovation, plus, they’re fun to be around.

*I was told I passed the initiation and can use this.

What is your favorite vacation spot?


Matthew Deets

Lake Tahoe and anywhere with a good river for fly fishing.

How do you help bring the Verve company values to life for your team?


Matthew Deets

Our values are to make an impact, achieve greatness together, growth through innovation, and challenge the status quo. I empower my team to ask the tough questions, which help us all evolve as a team and as a company. My favorite value is the focus on achieving greatness together: the trust we build as a team translates to the products we deliver to our customers.

Do you have a favorite ad format?


Matthew Deets

I’m excited for the opportunity for rewarded video outside of the gaming space, and especially for eComm. I think we’ll see a lot more of that in the coming months.

What’s your go-to snack at work?


Matthew Deets

Does BBQ count as a snack? I make a mean rack of ribs, homemade sauce and all. There’s no wrong time to eat that.

What’s the best piece of advice you give to your daughters?


Matthew Deets

In our family, we emphasize treating everyone we meet with respect and honesty. I think that’s the best advice I can possibly give them. The most frequent advice I give, though, is to not leave the dog unattended in the kitchen.

What’s the best piece of advice they’ve given you?


Matthew Deets

“Put down your phone and enjoy the moment with us.”

What ad-tech trend are you most excited about?


Matthew Deets

I’m biased, but of course I’m most excited about the rise of CTV/OTT. There’s a huge opportunity in this space (especially since CTV doesn’t rely on cookies) for targeted, relevant creative that’s fully compliant with existing privacy laws. Of course, we’re excited about our industry-leading solutions to help publishers monetize their OTT/CTV inventory worldwide.

Which three words would a friend use to describe you?


Matthew Deets

Family-oriented, foodie, and (hopefully) funny.

How do you like to celebrate successes?


Matthew Deets

We move so fast in ad tech, it really is important to take a moment to acknowledge the success when it comes, and the people who helped get us there. I like to share a nice toast (and good glass of bourbon) with the folks who contributed to that success. On a more personal level, I usually celebrate with a round of golf (bourbon is welcome there, too).

Thank you, Matt! We’re glad to have you on board.

To learn more about Matt, and to meet our fearless leaders, read on.

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