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CTV moneteization and IAB's TCF v2.2 interview with Sourcepoint CTV

What CTV publishers need to know to comply with IAB’s consent framework v2.2

What are FAST channels? CTV

What are FAST channels?

Interview about CTV and addressability with Davide Rosamilia, ID5 Addressability

Addressability in CTV: In conversation with Davide Rosamilia, ID5’s Director of Product Management

Audience targeting and target audiences are not the same thing. Audiences

All About Audience Targeting: Big Wins for Marketers, Consumers, and Publishers

2022 Trend Alert: Mobile Gaming is Here to Stay Industry Trends

2022 Trend Alert: Mobile Gaming is Here to Stay

2022 Trend Alert: The Travel Vertical is Ready to Take Off Industry Trends

2022 Trend Alert: The Travel Vertical is Ready to Take Off

Grocery eCommerce Really Delivers Industry Trends

Grocery eCommerce Really Delivers

2022 Trend Alert: Private vs. Open Exchange Deals Industry Trends

2022 Trend Alert: Private vs. Open Exchange Deals

2022 Trend Alert Industry Trends

2022 Trend Alert: Fitness Apps are Strong Performers

Back to Basics: Mobile Web vs. Mobile In-App Advertising Industry Trends

Back to Basics: Mobile Web vs. Mobile In-App Advertising

What’s the DEAL with DAI? Industry Trends

OTT Blog Series: What’s the DEAL with DAI?

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