Grocery eCommerce Really Delivers

Industry Trends

Grocery eCommerce Really Delivers

2 Minute Read |

Carrie Pittman

Carrie Pittman
Head of Marketing

Welcome to our Trend Alert series! We recently published our 2022 Global Advertising Trends report, and will be sharing insights, data, and trendy topics from the report in this newest blog series. This week, we’re taking a look at online and in-app grocery shopping, and how this relatively new ecomm/mcomm space is a big opportunity for publishers and marketers.

A Convenient and Delicious Shopping Experience

The cat’s out of the (grocery) bag: online shopping has gotten tastier, and customers are here for it.

Did you know? In 2020, digital grocer sales grew by 64% from 2019. Sales, according to eMarketer, will nearly double by 2025, reaching nearly 250 billion USD.

With lockdown restrictions, quarantines, and general hesitancy about indoor spaces, the already-growing digital grocery industry got an extra boost in 2020/2021. But even as restrictions have eased, the lure of the convenience has held steady. This positions online grocery and in-app grocery shopping for strong growth this year, and beyond.

Indexed Ad Requests for Desktop and Mobile Web
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Despite the pandemic-related challenges with brick-and-mortar locations, new, shopperless “dark stores” are also trending. To help meet the growing demand for online grocery delivery, these businesses are cropping up in big cities.

These stores are designed to get shoppers their grocery orders as quickly as possible – often in as little as 15 minutes. In order to do so, these stores are not open for shoppers or browsers: they are grocery outposts built exclusively to fill online orders. The only way to interact with these brands is by engaging with their mobile apps or visiting them online.

As a result, publishers have an opportunity to monetize these spaces, while marketers get more opportunities to get in front of shoppers with fewer distractions.

With the reliance on ecommerce increasing, plus the growing comfort of using mobile devices for online shopping, we expect that online grocery delivery will continue to trend in 2022 and beyond.

Read the 2022 Global Advertising Trends Report

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