Season's Greetings

Company News and Events

Season’s Greetings from Smaato’s General Manager, Matthew Deets

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Matthew Deets

Matthew Deets
General Manager

As we take a moment to look back on 2021, it is amazing to see how much we have overcome and accomplished in the last year.

We’ve adjusted to a mostly-remote workforce, with hybrid working in some of our offices, giving colleagues a chance to meet in person for the first time. We’ve had some major wins, including our highest-ever revenue date, the launch of our OTT/CTV advertising platform, and onboarding an incredible number of new Smaaties as we continue to grow and thrive. I’m proud to say, the list could go on and on.

Our partners have seen tremendous growth and success, too: marketers are able to reach audiences across all device types, all over the world, with more innovative ad formats than ever before. Our publishers have been able to keep their content free to users by monetizing inventory from mobile web to CTV channels. We’re thrilled about what we’ve accomplished together so far, and can’t wait to show you what we’ve planned for 2022.

In taking a moment to celebrate these successes, we also want to contribute to a brighter, stronger future ahead – not just for Smaato, not just for our partners, and not just in ad tech. That’s why this year, we’re partnering with to help make an impact globally. is a global nonprofit organization working to bring water and sanitation to the world. Their work helps to unlock education, economic opportunity, and improved health to communities worldwide.

We’re proud to have made a charitable donation in the honor of our partners and customers. If you’d like to join us in making a contribution, more information can be found here on their website.

Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season and a wonderful year ahead,

Matt Deets and the team at Smaato

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