Case Study: FunCorp

FunCorp worked with Smaato to leverage high viewability and an engaged audience from their iFunny app. eCPMs improved and revenues more than doubled.


FunCorp is an international “funtech” company at the cornerstone of entertainment and technology. Their most popular product is iFunny, an app that provides a community for meme lovers and viral memes from around the internet. iFunny is one of the top 10 most popular entertainment apps in the US.


FunCorp’s iFunny app features an engaged audience and impressive ad viewability rates. With this strong engagement already in place, FunCorp was looking for ways to leverage their high viewability to maximize revenues.

“By integrating the Smaato SDK, we unlocked spending from advertisers willing to pay a premium for our highviewability inventory. Smaato’s Pre-Packaged Deals, some of which only include publishers with the highest viewability rates, helped us double our revenues quarter-over-quarter. Smaato is a trusted partner that continues to help us reach quality demand across the world.”

Sergei Efimov | Chief Revenue Officer, FunCorp

Smaato’s Strategy

In August 2018, Smaato released their Pre-Packaged Deals — an evolving set of curated, brand-safe inventory packages that make it easy for demand partners to purchase high-quality, targeted inventory. Several of Smaato’s Pre-Packaged Deals are based on Integral Ad Science (IAS) and Moat viewability measurement and only include ad spaces with an average viewability rate of more than 70% or 90%. Since these deals are dynamic and updated on a daily basis, ad spaces from publishers that are integrated via the latest Smaato SDK will be automatically added to the relevant IAS and Moat packages when they surpass the required viewability threshold.


  • 128% Increase in Total Revenue
  • 34% Higher eCPMs on Pre-Packaged Deals’ Inventory

By integrating Smaato’s SDK, iFunny began passing their viewability metrics to the Smaato platform. Their high-performing ad spaces were then automatically added to Smaato’s high-viewability Pre-Packaged Deals, which unlocked new, valuable demand for their inventory. As a result, iFunny saw a 128% increase in total revenue from Q3 to Q4 2018, with 20% of their revenue in Q4 2018 coming from these high-viewability deals. iFunny’s inventory that was sold through these deals also received eCPMs that were 34% higher than their inventory sold on the open market.

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